Imagem de capa de NAAJA


Cidade/EstadoCuritiba / PR

Bring Life - Ao Vivo

Composição: NAAJA.
“I was passing by the ocean, closed my eyes and felt the energy How many times we forget to be thankful for the simple things The air, the love, the feelings The gratitude Bring Life” Don't you see the best things are so simple Such a shame to all those people Who never really have a good time Always stressed in their lives It was a beautiful night on the east coast Under the moonlight Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Bring life Don't forget to thank God for your life The air you breath the water and the sunlight Every day you have one more chance To be part of the dance Dancing under the moonlight on the east coast Let it be let it shine Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Ooo Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life, give you life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life Bring life




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