Imagem de capa de Cesar Veiga
Cesar Veiga

Cesar Veiga

EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoGoiânia / GO

I Believed

Composição: Cesar Veiga.
I believed our love would never died Today I changed my mind I believed a man never used to cry Today I changed my mind I believed happiness never died Today I changed my mind What is happening with you You’re so different than you are What is happening with you, please don’t lie The life will show you I was the one You will regret too late I loved you more everyone ever love But you were blind, never realized I believed our love would never died Today I changed my mind I believed a man never used to cry Today I changed my mind What is happening with you You’re so different than you are Wha tis happening with you, please don’t lie I believed our love would never died Today I change my mind I believed a man never used to cry




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