Imagem de capa de Cesar Veiga
Cesar Veiga

Cesar Veiga

EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoGoiânia / GO

Isn't Good

Composição: Cesar Veiga.
Compositor/Autor: Cesar Veiga Vocais, arranjo, instrumental: Cesar Veiga e Eduardo Barra Looking for a meaning to your life You won’t find anyone the way you are I think of beaty as true love It may not cause you pain I think you’re confused That love isn’t good for you You hope for changes they don’t come You feel so alone, nobody cares, Maybe you’re in love, but not being loved Love is here to be shared, with two I think you’re confused That love isn’t good for you Control of situation is in your hands You have all the right to happiness Finding someone to be with you all the time Someone who doesn’t make you wait so long This love is good for you




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