

Cidade/EstadoAracaju / SE

Inside a Human's Head

Composição: Finitude.
My kind will not fall My pride can´t go on I don´t recognize My face in the mirror Lord... don´t you know The despair I´m carrying inside? It seems to be a dead end I am locked into this faithless hope "The human soul is like a natural burden The human beings can not escape from this curse They have no choice upon it" My kind will not fail My pride can keep on I still don´t recognize My face in the mirror "Now at this moment I am being so much more human than I wish to be But inside I feel I may be this chosen one Will the cries be in vain? Will I remain in pain? Will the Moon open her eye and gaze at me? Will the Gods listen to the apeal of the Humanity? Will our heros show their faces? Will our deaths echoe in eternity?" Lord... my wounds Insist in not to heal I am carrying Open Scars To remind me that my past was real "God... can you hear my plea? Can you heal my wounds? I don´t wanna have Open Scars I just want to be me... Are you listening to me? God? God? Are you here? God?" "I don´t know what I am doing here What about the people from my kind? I don´t know what I am looking for In a certain moment.. the inevitability will set you up The eyes can see a trace The ears can hear a call The nose can smell a fear The hands can touch the wounds The mouth can easily feel the taste of my blood I ignore the innocents from behind I have the size of my sight I am not trying to get away I am just wondering if I can really reach the light I know... I can´t deny... I can´t ignore the reason that I am I I just couldn´t realize That we are here to do what we are here to do" I am not ready to run away Or neither ready to stand and stay I am fighting the voice inside It is not letting me realize The purpose of life isn´t to end The holy gate is under the sand The eyes of sanity will set me free And then I will get away from here "We must not be afraid God will be by our side This fallen mind will not reach The holy gate and the holy lies Humanity will sleep in peace The sanity will be domained By the men in black that will Never let the souls rise" I will not fade away I will not give up The gnosis will make me rise




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