Imagem de capa de 1caracomum


Cidade/EstadoItabuna / BA

In The Frames Of Despair

Composição: Matheus Patrick S. Fagundes.
I love this terrible world And I rejoice in the beauties of this deformed and meaningless existence A juggler dancing on a rope stretched over the abyss I love this terrible world, and I rejoice in your beauty The beauty of dance The terror of the fall The wind in the face The abyss underfoot The magic of movements The fear of falling to pieces The audacity to dance in an even higher place The invitation to the final jump And with the bravery of someone with open eyes I understand that everything that exists expands in an infinitely elastic tension That's why I dance under tension An ator dancing on the rope Beauty and lightness over the depth of the abyss I love this bizarre and terrible world Is so marvelous and splendid this bizarre world And I ride in it dancing on this infinitely elastic rope over chaos.


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