

Cidade/EstadoUbatuba / SP


Composição: Disfleshedy.
I´m an outsider without a trace No remorse,no remind, no feelings Just with reek of cross to down in flames The loss for my flesh was a choice I´ll leave all foes agonising for to merciless fate Agonized head under his own works!!!!!!! Where you´ll go,you´ll can see just one gravestone And one cross to down in flames............ A gravestone among broken tombs with your name written To suffer for a long time Agonised by own works.......... Was carbonized in silence...... Loss for your flesh was a choice......... My heart is cold,my love is rotten and don´t ask my name. I´m live to kill all foes of the enemy from mankind Around me every worth,what aren´t destroyed!!!!! I never loved:their redifined hatred(I´m so alive in war) I never loved all around me(black hatred,is the true feeling that I feel) Rotten love inside out to protect soul against all foes Rotten love inside out to protect myself against wormworld I´m an outsider man against all laws and without feelings..... No trace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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