Imagem de capa de Jhonye Reave
Jhonye Reave

Jhonye Reave

Cidade/EstadoBlumenau / SC

Closer In The Beat

Composição: Jhonye Reave.
LYRICS: (Refrão)(2x) Closer in the beat Closer in the beat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat (Estrofe 1) I feel your breath around me No, I am not discreet I need you I'm not afraid to turn on the heat Swallow me up Breathe (Refrão)(2x) Closer in the beat I love the way my body is moving to the beat I love the way you're slowing getting close to me Closer in the beat Closer in the beat Closer in the beat Closer in the beat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat I love the way my body is moving to the beat I love the way you're slowing getting close to me I feel your breath around me No, I am not discreet I need you I'm not afraid to turn on the heat Swallow me up Breathe Closer in the beat I love the way my body is moving to the beat I love the way you're slowing getting close to me Closer in the beat Closer in the beat




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