Imagem de capa de Rotting Paradise
Rotting Paradise

Rotting Paradise

Cidade/EstadoBelém / PA

05 Unholy And Blasphemous Rites

Composição: Ivan Guilherme (Sodomizer).
Vedar-Gal Tiekals Somdus Azerate! Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer! The light that emanates from the flames The Light that makes the open mind reach other limits All your essence makes you the bearer of knowledge The great essence of Carrier of Souls The light that illuminates the darkness The bestial Night that makes its essence concrete To glory in your name, Emperor of the South Who Burns the Weak and Slaves of the Demiurge salute and reverence On this magnificent night of magic Unholy and blasphemous rituals blood rituals in your name In the name of the Devourer in all ways I salute the luciferian tower In Afterlife I will be present at your side Along with the ancient gods I kneel in the name of Azerat, before the tower of Lucifer whose satanic power receives the Flame of Chaos in the depths of my soul stronger than ever to ardently dissolve a filth that impedes my mind and my anti-cosmic future!




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