Imagem de capa de Rotting Paradise
Rotting Paradise

Rotting Paradise

Cidade/EstadoBelém / PA

06 Burning Hypocrites With Pleasure

Composição: Ivan Guilherme (Sodomizer).
After burning our servants and any opponents of their doctrine Let us now wash our souls by destroying their filthy lives Know what it's like to have your gold stolen Know what it's like to have your riches taken from you Besides you, everyone who is with you in this genocide will burn Burning hypocrites with pleasure, with all the pleasure in the world make your flame light Claim your own army Don't let yourself be overwhelmed by these pests Always be the sovereign of your will know what it is to be free Know what it's like to have all the power to take revenge on injustice Besides you, all those affected by trucluence will be avenged Burning hypocrites with pleasure, with all the pleasure in the world




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