Sandoval Rodrigues

Sandoval Rodrigues

Cidade/EstadoJoinville / SC

Who Am I ?

Composição: Fred Dutra; Sandoval Barbosa Rodrigues.
I want to go wherever the train goes Touch the wind and feel free Until I've seen everything That I couldn't see I want to kiss the fresh snow Until my fingers burn with cold Drink to the last drop that old wine I kept Before it gets too old If you ask me: Who am I? I am all the cities I walked by I am all the dreams I dreamed of I am all the loves that I loved I want to go where the birds fly Touch the wind and feel free Reach the nest, and feel the love From someone who waits for me I want to hold the sand of the sea Until my feet burn in the Sun Drink to the last drop that old wine I kept Before the Sun sets If you ask me: Who am I? I am all the cities I walked by I am all the dreams I dreamed of I am all the loves that I loved




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