Imagem de capa de TFC



Bad Guy

Composição: Dionick Cruz.
you know we're here you know (you) will fear you know (you) (have to) run away all goes on sunday you know we're here you know you will fear you know you have to run away all goes on monday yea lets okay you already know which one of us let's see your shoe you have a ruse man fuck you fuse you have money then it gets lonely did you now (wow) talk to how oi s" vous plait man lets talk this gang (yea) if is gang have gun if shooter bang I change this man for milionarie stand go to navali for change( nhaa) Chek this ranking I start this walking try my infame Change this body but i have no money body man body of dreams (ok) go to gym body to my routine (perfect you know we're here you know (you) will fear you know (you) (have to) run away all goes on sunday you know we're here you know you will fear you know you have to run away all goes on monday




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