Imagem de capa de TFC



Hope Of Sucess

Composição: Dionick.
hello I am here, my friend you have bleed don t scare buddy lets starting your reading your dream, hey line join by my time you have difficulty it s okay lets runaway go away sick come in another day because have hope your dream like best find treasure chest you still here fiveteen cause bear you are fairy i am not scary hope hope hope hope am stay god like believie line in light year Just spray your bleend because im imin here hope they good nigth cause am here sleep tight am stay god like because im in light lear hope your sucess just starting bad best es not feer tu suenõ ainda te ba ayudar porque mejoras cada dia a juntar no ai medo hermanito la vida no es todo siempre infito estamos junto ali en nuestros cosmos se que tienes muchos costos pero no aiii nada temer amigo porque el fracasso ayuda a ylegar a tu ritmo ai todo um fin para todos por cumple tu suenõ porque el esperança esta en tu cueyo am stay god like belevie line in light year Just spray your bleend because im imin here hope they good nigth cause am here sleep tight am stay god like because im in light lear amigo tines tu sueño la esperança corre todo ay vamos de nuevo fracasaste no passa nada porque fracasso ba al exito de que esperas cumpre tu suenõ hope hope hope am stay god like belevie line in light year fly fly Just spray your bleend because im imin here hope they good nigth cause am here sleep tight am stay god like because im in light lear light lear light lear light lear light lear light lear light lear light lear




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