Imagem de capa de Ubirajara


Cidade/EstadoVitória / ES

Contemplating The Stars

Composição: Ubirajara.
After the sky fell After the earth melted The cyclical prophecy was fulfilled again The sky closing over the vulnerable earth And in what was left Of the abandoned earth Some can be seen contemplating the stars She, with her small and beautiful eyes The sky comes to hunt us In the swamps of the city The sky ignores The beautiful facades up there Contemplating the stars It was little Suzan Her small and beautiful eyes Contemplating the stars It was a beautiful, clear and sad nights When Suzan appeared She was contemplating the stars Suzan was contemplating the stars And all we had left was to say "Goodbye" "Goodbye" But not everything came to an end Suzan in the stars of the beautiful, clear and sad nights There she found infinite light And she will disappear again But every end is a new beginning


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