Imagem de capa de André Moura AlmaGuitars
André Moura AlmaGuitars
Cidade/EstadoSão José dos Campos / SP

Black Peral

Composição: AlmaGuitars André Moura, Jull Cohen.
You can choose how to use... Take a breath... You inject... You can Swallow the path you wallow (2x) Heroin... Either way, I'm the blame I can say things are the same Every day that's my shame I'm the prey of my own game... Take a breath... You inject... You can Swallow the path you wallow Heroin... Prey of my own game... Heroin... Either way, I'm the blame I can say things are the same Every day that's my shame I'm the prey of my own game. Either way, I'm the blame I can say things are the same Every day that's my shame I'm the prey of my own game




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