Imagem de capa de André Moura AlmaGuitars
André Moura AlmaGuitars
Cidade/EstadoSão José dos Campos / SP

Lost Along The Road Inside

Composição: André Moura AlmaGuitars.
Lost alone in my time uncertain reason from my heart will I never be entire again? It's a doubt that I can't pretend But when and I saw you in this lonely end I felt that life has another chance I just don't know if I've strength to give love another sense REF---------------------------------- Cause I hide in shadows All I could do But then you kissed me with a pure desire and now my feelings are burning brighter I understand when you thought was wrong cuz was the same way I was grown ---------------------------------------- I know you're just a young girl but I've been in this wild road I can protect you from the hurts I have but you need to know where you wanna get




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