

Cidade/EstadoRecife / PE


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Imagem de Marcos DinizMarcos DinizPiano
Imagem de Ubiraci CarlosUbiraci CarlosBateria
Imagem de Nando BarretoNando BarretoBaixo
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Instrumental Anacrusa. 1997 was the year that marked the creation of the group. First with the formation of a trio, composed by Keyboard (Marcos Diniz), Bass (Jocemar Ribeiro-Bingo) and Drums (Ubiraci Carlos), with the proposal of performing instrumental music, taking into account the pleasure of playing with a more elaborated and technical style, due to the absence of space opportunity for such a gender in our state. After a certain period of rehearsals, the trio began to be invited to perform in some places, such as, receptions, music schools, inaugurations, etc. As time went by, the need to enrich the instrumental formation created the incorporation of two more instruments: the Saxophone, played by the Venezuelan Carlos A. Cardenas, and later Gustavo Anacleto - and the Eletric Guitar played by Kiel Bispo, to expand the repertoire and to characterize even more the proposal of the group. As every organization is welcomed, it was also incorporated, a production section (sound technician and administrative support), under the responsibility of the producer Douglas Donato. Perceiving the seriousness of our work, some fans began to call for a registration of what has been done in the performances of Anacruza. Then, the will of recording our the first "CD" was born, and it was recorded live in 1999, in the Conservatorio Pernambucano de Música. ( Conservatory of Music of Pernambuco) In October of 2002, Anacrusa enters the phase of recording the second "CD", but a fatality would come to affect everybody. In December 12, 2002, our bass player Bingo suffered a fatal accident of motorcycle. The projects of the band were canceled for some time. It was even cogitated the possibility of the dismantling of the band, but after some meetings we came to the conclusion that our work would be one more mission and we should continue the work initiated by somebody else. It is our duty and wherever Bingo is, he must be happy in hearing that the work he began is still alive. Presently, with the formation of a quintet, Nando Barreto (bass), Liudinho (Saxophone), Bira (drums) Marcos Diniz (Keyboards) and Kiel Bispo (Guitar), we have Instrumental Anacrusa presenting a repertoire composed of our own songs as well as those of foreign and Brazilian composers already established.. We perform a work of instrumental jazz with the elaboration based in the harmonization, interpretation, melody and rhythm. We also know that the results obtained today is just the beginning of a long road to travel. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To diffuse instrumental music with regional language in the national and international artistic scenery. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: To publicize the results of experiences done in the mixture of regional rhythms and of other cultures, emphasizing a Northeastern language, using the influence of the Brazilian musicality along with jazz harmonies, creating new styles, giving continuity to that already created by great geniuses, turning our culture more and more diverse and rich. To insert, in the repertoire, songs of written by the band. To co-operate with entrepreneurs and cultural producers, in the sense of presenting projects and space alternatives for the musicians' job market in this gender.
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