

Cidade/EstadoCajazeiras / PB

Don't Be Afraid to Choose

Composição: JD / Pedro Braga.
I should not be singing a song like that While someone expects me to do my best But tonight I’m just in the mood of sing Fuck the rest of the world to me The choices are not always good for us The life is not like catching a bus Don’t matter how you’re felling on the day It will be there at the same time and place Don’t be afraid to fight, don’t be afraid to fall Don’t be afraid to be placed against the wall You just must be strong show how much you want Leave behind that road full of stones Don’t be afraid to know, don’t be afraid to grow up Don’t be afraid to seek the best way to go Don’t be afraid to do what’s right for you And all your dreams will come true The time goes by and the morning is coming Let us do what has to be done Don’t forget everything you learned And every word one day you heard Sometimes you want to look back By special people that you left there But now is time for another world And see what it holds for each of us Now is time to make all the choices alright To believe cause life is made right here




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