Imagem de capa de Baluk


EstiloNew Metal
Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG


Composição: Riere Dutra, Léo Diaz e Boni Ferreira.
Who? I saw how brutally the merciless thousands banished you I saw the fire burning and consuming you Are you amazed now? You are banned! Are you amazed! Yeah! Millions of years ago we were together Oh, Enlightened! Precious gemstones have been given to you You had been perfect from the creation. And I discovered the evil in your heart Who will escape the downfall? ooo It will be a show when many hands banish you Who can say no to his command? Everyone who was by his side is no longer there Are you amazed now? You are banned! Are you amazed now? You are! You were like a guardian, You walked along the sanctuary Shining eyes stared at your glowing filigrees Little by little, Contagious illness was growing inside you Who will escape the downfall? ooo It will be a show when many hands banish you Who can say no to his command? Everyone who was by his side is no longer there Are you amazed now? You are! who! Who will escape? Are you amazed now? You are!




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