- Mente insana498 plays
- Mundos desiguais238 plays
- palhaço brasileiro ( 1 lugar na FEARG 2007 )1.385 plays
- segura minha mão383 plays
- Eu quero viver187 plays
- Dias e dias321 plays
D'Front Band: 3 years old, pop rock style, basically we joined the lyrics with poetry with the weight of the classic rock. Experience: We recorded our first demo in 2006, we had good popularization in the radios: RadioTropical FM (Pelotas RS) they played the 4 tracks of our DEMO. Radio Oceano, (Rio Grande RS) plays the track "Mente Insana" that is played until today. The most played song in the two radios. From the shows that we played we can highlight: First place in the festival of music Seiva da terra - FEARG, with the music " Palhaço Brasileiro", September of 2007. Festival do Pelotense. We were selected from the participants of 2008 Seiva da Terra, and we were among the better 8 bands and, we are today in process of recording of the CD, that will be ready by the end of the year. Goal: We are a band that has the feet in the ground, we invested on that little time, all efforts, physical and finacial, whether studying or investing in professional state of the art equipment. Our goal is to be a great company and to exercise the music for love. Contact: Cristiano Falcão Cell phone 053-9988 6636 Av.Dr. Félix Antonio Caputo N° 851 Bairro: Três Vendas- RS- Brasil CEP: 96060070 E-mail: cristianofalcao@terra.com.br www.omeumyspace.com