Banda Sniper

Banda Sniper

EstiloHard Rock
Cidade/EstadoRio de Janeiro / RJ


Composição: Stteffen Kraus.
Yeah...then I'm alone Hearing the voice of this cold room Believing it tells the truth Believing it says to me The words I long to hear: You've gotta love someone What is the destiny of human being But love someone without any degree? I need indeed To learn the meaning of patience To know about how never desist Who knows someday God sends an angel And if I'll find you love I'll open all my hurt heart Like if it would never've been broken before Please take care of me 'Cos the freedom of my soul Is being with your company What is the destiny of human being But love someone without any degree? I need indeed To learn the meaning of patience To know about how never desist Who knows someday God sends an angel If I want to love I need to shut up my voice I need to share my dreams Become happy with your happiness Love you more than me




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