Banda Sniper

Banda Sniper

EstiloHard Rock
Cidade/EstadoRio de Janeiro / RJ

Under destruction

Composição: Stteffen Kraus.
Social repression of modernity And the anguish are destroying me All I have to do goes wrong I wanna run So may changes I have to go along That it's better live on illusion I try to be like the world wants But I wanna run Nobody's hearin' you, under destruction But hearin' you, We'd build it up again Hearin' you, we' have restituition Hearin' you, the revival begins Success, wild sex, sexy shapes, money, silk shirts Can't hide the secret evil of your smile So many changes I have to go alone That it's better live on illusion I try to be like the world wants But I wanna run World treat me like an object and love seems so old fashioned I hope time'll bring us back the values we've lost




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