Banda Sniper

Banda Sniper

EstiloHard Rock
Cidade/EstadoRio de Janeiro / RJ

Without Love

Composição: Stteffen Kraus.
There are gifts of speaking in strange tongues I may be able in anyone Like an angel singing to the Lord Or like an human being, but like a noisy gong, If a haven't love, haven't love I may give away everything I own And I may have all knowledge I may have the gifts of inspired preaching Even I may give up my body to be burnt Without love, Without love What we see now is like a dim image in a mirror What we know now is only partial then it will be complete I was a child but I have grown up and left the childish ways, yeah! Chorus: Whitout love, I am nothing, yeah! If I haven't love, I am nothing I may give away everything I own And I may have all knowledge I may have the gifts of inspired preaching Even I may give up my body to be burnt Without love, Without love Love isn't happy with evil, but happy with the truth And its faith, hope and patience never fail Love is patiente and kind, and have no interests Love never gives, up all the things it apologizes And love will never end Chorus: Whitout love, I am nothing, yeah! If I haven't love, I am nothing




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