Imagem de capa de Black Priest
Black Priest

Black Priest

Cidade/EstadoNiterói / RJ


Betrayed by demons Sentenced to perish Chased by the hands of the doom The dark now covers me Troops of white-covered brutes Destruction devotees Fire in the sky I won't survive Gather your courage, still your rage Their goal here is to terminate Hide your true face in darkness And leave behind your past Gather your courage, still your rage Death is the only way to escape C: Deep in the Catacombs There's no guiding light Deep in the Catacombs The dead are about to rise Deep in the Catacombs Claws reach out for gore Deep in the Catacombs Gone forevermore Drink from the chalice Of distrust and deceiving Don't fight your feelings Death will conceal your breathing The cold from the stones will be the same as in your heart There is no mourning, there is no one here to cry The prey lies beyond their reach Howling demons cry out, their bloodlust is lost Gather your courage, still your rage Their goal here is to terminate Hide your true face in darkness And leave behind your past Gather your courage, still your rage Death is the only way to escape C: Deep in the Catacombs There's no guiding light Deep in the Catacombs The dead are about to rise Deep in the Catacombs Claws reach out for gore Deep in the Catacombs Gone forevermore




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