Cezar Dissident

Cezar Dissident

Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG

The Ice Girl

Composição: Cezar de Alencar Junior.
THE ICE GIRL (Cezar Dissident) So, I want to be strong To fight by your side Why battle alone That Damn system you can deny In life we need partnership Come on let's share Ideas The capitalism only gives us tips Crumbs don't wipe away tears So, Ice girl, listen to me You have to let go of dogmas Before having it, it has to be First be and you will conquer the stars Let me be part of your life I can teach you and learn from you Empathy that's very nice But full happiness is not true The river runs and the waters change We can go up and we can go down And living is a bigger challenge Don't close yourself off in this little town Compositor: Cezar de Alencar Junior (Cezar Dissident)




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