Composição: Daniel Jackson.A_G_O_N_Y,This Is The New Word for today,A_G_O_N_Y,It's Easy to Say,Say Agony and You'll Feel Good From the Start,You can Close Your Eyes,And Look At The World With Your Heart,Do What You Want, Be What You Are,What a victorious thrill,Wearing A Smile, All The While,feeling the world is standing still,Watch Rainbow Glows in the Rest on a Bed of Flowers,So Dial a Star,Anything is in Your Powers,Agony,Full Agony,Knowing No Evils, Needing No Pills,Singing A Rock And Roll Anthem,Feeling Glorious, Full of Love,Nice from the start,You can Close Your Eyes,And Look At The World With Your Heart,How Great to be Happy and Free,Living the Path You Chose, Healthy and clean,Can't Understand Someone Having the Blues,Agony never to Feel Frustration,How Great to Give Love Without an Invitation,Agony, agony,Long Like We Love Each Other.