Imagem de capa de Daniel Jackson
Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson

Cidade/EstadoBoa Esperança / MG

Back Up Again

Composição: Daniel Jackson.
In Each Life Some Rain Falls,And Then Came the Ice,But After the Ice,Flowers will rise,Girl,When My Life Got Rainy,You stayed for the ride,You Stayed by My Side,You Make the Sunrise,I'm Back Up Again,I Won't Let You Down,Nothing's gonna stop me now, Back Up Again,I Won't Let You Down,I love you,That Humpty Dumpty Luck,He Got His Fall,But After All That,He Cleaned Himself Out,Knowing How Much You Love Me,I gave it another try,I Reached The Sky,And This Time I Did It,I'm Back Up Again,I Won't Let You Down,Nothing's gonna stop me now,Back Up Again,I Won't Let You Down,I love you


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