Imagem de capa de Darkælium


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

How Many Times

Composição: Jeani Babini.
How many times have you said I love you? How many times have you promise to love me? How many times have you said I was important? How many years spent behind you Trying to find answers to our separation How many times I cried alone with no one to see How many times have you looked away without you noticing As always without you noticing me You said that my smile and made you happy You said wanted to be my side forever Where have been all these years? Where did you hide from me? So many times we spent the afternoon together So many times I supported you in your times of sorrow Do not regret Often laughed at everything and everyone Now you will tell me that none of this was real Oh oh oh oh was real Maybe it was not really real I cried as far as I can endure pain I suffer far few suffer for loving someone Always wanted for the day you come to me How many times have I needed to show you I once loved you so much




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