Imagem de capa de Darkælium


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

I Really Wish

Composição: Jeani Babini.
I wish I could relieve you of pain I wish I could tell how much love you But this is not enough And it not make you forget I would like to apologize But that would not be enough I know I hurt you Therefore I regret I want to be able to drown your pain with me I want to be able to drown your pain with me Nothing will make you feel better Nothing will make you forget Never lied when I said I love you And it will not make you forget I would like to apologize But that would not be enough I know I hurt you Therefore I regret I'm still haunted by memories of the past how long it this gonna last I'm still haunted by memories of the past how long it this gonna last All this was a wast of time All this will not be forgotten All this never going to cease to exist All this will stay alive I wish I could relieve you of pain I wish I could tell how much love you But this is not enough And it will not be enough And it will not make you forget As much as I try




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