Imagem de capa de Darkælium


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

The Love

Composição: Jeani Babini, Darklium.
Even after all the love I gave placed in you You even have the courage to turn against me? Even after I tell you I love you so much You still have doubts of my love for you? I always wanted to be by your side Always wanted the best for us Now you say I never loved you? Look me into my eyes and say What there's nothing else between us Look me deep in the inside in my eyes and tell you don't want me by your side Tell me everything change and there's nothing to be saved Explain to me what really matters to you Explain to me what is love for you Explain to me what I am to you Explain to me what you really want If this is what you really want So I will not do anything more for us Let everything that we live in the past Look me into my eyes and say What there's nothing else between us Look me deep in the inside in my eyes and tell you don't want me by your side Tell me everything change and there's nothing to be saved If that's what you want So that's how it will be Only never say me that I never really loved you




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