Imagem de capa de Dinnamarque


Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG

Clash Of Mind

Composição: Rafael Dinnamarque/Riccardo Linassi.
Clash of Mind (Rafael Dinnamarque/Riccardo Linassi) No… No more than a blink of an eye We… We cannot walk round and round Why… Together we strike the world collapse No… Present is tense No past, no future You… Have you cried enough? Are you ready for the end? End… The end is near, get the gears We… Together we stand Alone we die Prophetic philosophies Won’t help you this time Insane, don’t listen to what they say Kneel, it’s not how you’d like to feel Pathetic, it’s more than a simple illusion Making you clash in double confusion Now there is hate. No more faith. Into their deepest feelings. Now there is pain. You are afraid of your darkest wishes. Claustrophobia underneath the sky Walls have nothing else to hide of your eyes This whole chaos is burning in your mind No prayer will help you at this time




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