Din Rose

Din Rose

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

I'm Not Alone

Composição: Din Rose / Tommy.
I’m not alone A rare rose I’m not alone You’ve stolen my flower too soon I’m not alone Trust me when I say I’m not alone And I believed in you I will not cry I’m not alone I was a part of the game I’m not alone You were playing I’m not alone For my own surprise, you realized Yes miracles can happen I’m not alone You made me cry I’m not alone Scrambled stars I’m not alone Memories of midnights I’m not alone That fell apart at the dawn I’m not alone This is the book I˙ve never read I’m not alone These are the words I˙ve never said I’m not alone Do you know how I feel? I’m not alone And this is how I feel Just... missing tears, good bye




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