Din Rose

Din Rose

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Redemption Of The Rose

Composição: Din Rose.
Let it out Would you dare in love again? Let it be A lovely moment face to face I remember The pink champagne, strawberry on ice At night We dance the soul’s dance Are you really sure? You know I really tried From the inside it comes And you, and you really fought? Games that never amount to More than they´re meant Cause all games have an end And the little cracks escalate Breaking, breaking When you have closed your eyes I was stuck in a pattern and can’t escape A convict in chains in the bound And the little cracks escalate I remember Your sunday clothes, scarf, bonnet I think of you smiling And the chances we had? And games that never amount to More than they´re meant Cause all games have an end And the little cracks escalate Satisfy me When the healing has begun Satisfy me! And I wanna make love to you Breaking down!




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