Disorder Of Rage (D.O.R.)
Cidade/EstadoMogi Guaçu / SP

03 Slaves Of Technology (Live)

Composição: Alex Roque.
S L A V E S O F T E C H N O L O G Y We all are confined In our own creations Proliferation of mistakes The fear agonizes the world as a incurable disease Neurotic ideas for the future Slaves of an chaotic system We are living on a deadend Who will survive??? Humanity's so fool / we're slaves of technology Men cloning peoples Playing like a God!!! Now...technology is a joke No more cure for the sickness Only insane shit ideas, Open your eyes and wake up to reality ... The choices are few and uncertain...fuck!!! New germs borns in laboratories Warmachines,clones,new sickness.insane minds creating Human inteligence or technology mistakes Proliferation of insanity Chaotic ideas for the world Neurotic ideas for the future Slaves of a chaotic system




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