Composição: Liuterry.Meu sonho era um pequenino sonho meu
Na ciência dos cuidados fui treinado
Agora, entre meu ser e o ser alheio
A linha de fronteira se rompeu
Meu sonho era um pequenino sonho meu… x3
Meu sonho…
In these nocturnal journeys, I am led by restlessness and reveries, exploring paths that the
mind dares to venture. Words dance like cosmic ballerinas, defying the laws of logic and
reason, prompting me to question the hidden meaning of things and the significance beyond
the obvious.
Meu sonho…
Câmara de ecos… x8
In this carousel of emotions… x2
I seek to capture the heartbeat of the soul in each experience, like a painter portraying
oneself with every brushstroke. I am a poet of my own experiences, translating the
complexity of the human being and the yearnings that lie within each heart into verses.
Meu sonho era um pequenino sonho meu…
And thus, in these inner journeys, I am an eternal apprentice of the intricate universe that
dwells within me. Unraveling myself is like unraveling the cosmos, a constant challenge in
search of harmony and expression. These experiences are like open windows to the infinity
of the self, where reflection intertwines with poetry, and I am led to traverse the spiral of life,
ceaselessly seeking my own essence.
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence
Câmara de ecos
Ceaselessly seeking my own essence