Eddy Samadhi

Eddy Samadhi

EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoBrasília / DF

Choosing the peace

Composição: Eddy Samadhi.
Your brothers learn to die Your brothers learn to figth Your brothers learn to believe but they d'ont know to share in the sun's face a woman prays from her imaculate image falls a tear from her mouth the order: peace, life and peace live in peace, live in peace, peacefull life live in peace, life and peace, peacefull life (refrão) the law has said: an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth All fools in madness you choose: to teach or to suffer to help or to die cooperate or destroy yourself all the worlds are screaming together choose peace choose life all the words are screaming together choose peace choose life (estribilho)




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