Imagem de capa de Fabby


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Against Hand

Composição: Fabby.
Against Hand – Fabby When everyone wakes I go to sleep I live in a against hand I live in a against hand, against hand Beach only at night All wearing white I wear the black of death Fast cars parading I go on a chopper motorcycle Just to go against! I live in a against hand, against hand, against hand I have no wife I have no husband I do not have religion Church, no way, no way, no way, no way, no way Just Rock, Punk and Metal running through my veins I live in a against hand, against hand, against hand No government, no rules, no matrix, no domination No systens, no religion, no manipulation Free to think, free to act, I make my choices I live in a against hand, against hand, against hand No drugs, I love myself, I take care of my body and my soul Just Rock, Punk and Metal running through my veins I choose my life, sexuality, country, profession I live against, against, against hand I'm Singer Musician Songwriter Plastic Artist not a slut! No more manipulation, no more manipulation I live against, against, against hand I am different, think a lot and then I act wisely I always make the best choices and have the best ideas I choose my way, I don't allow anyone to manipulate me I am successful in everything I do Luck is on my side I make my choices and I go my way Luck, Success, Love this is my choice I Sing, Play, Compose this is my beach go Around The World this is my my road Queen of Rock this is me! Queen of England this is me! The Queens always loved, desired, lucky, never forgotten No more manipulation! In all dimensions I'm the richest, most famous, luckiest singer in the universe! I live love with all my soulmates! I'm successful in worldwide in all dimensional! I don't give up my dreams and ideals! I believe in me, I am, I can! No government, no religion, no manipulation I live in a against hand, against hand Just rock, punk and metal running through my veins Free to think, free to act, I make my choices No manipulation!




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