Imagem de capa de Fabby


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Cosmically Free

Composição: Fabby.
Cosmically Free - Fabby Cosmically Free, Cosmically Free Expanding horizons Parrots freely fly in the sky, clouds, mists pass Cosmically Free, Cosmically Free Cosmic frealing Cosmically Free, Cosmically Free Butterflies free discovery the world Cosmically Free, Cosmically Free Cosmically Free, Cosmically Free Cosmically Free Untamed mares run free in forests, mountains, beaches Flowers open show their beauty How grand and amazing life can become The planet is beautiful and people are good Purple sky, I feel smell lavender, I hope for better days Singing, playing instruments, writing and making music, art, teaching, helping people, animals throughout the universe. The Great Goddess and everyone are happy and moved when they hear me sing, I'm not the worst, I'm the best!!! Cosmically Free Sometimes we just need to believe, challenge ourselves, fight, persevere, fight with ourselves, overcome ourselves and win!!! The absence of myself was what hurt me the most Now it doesn't hurt anymore because I found myself in everyone I loved They will certainly find some good memory of me We are continuations, the story of life never ends Expanding horizons, cosmos is splendid Finally, PEACE, HAPPINESS, FREEDOM!!! Cosmically Free




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