Imagem de capa de Fabby


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

I Shocked You? Version Two Soft Rock

Composição: Fabby.
I Shocked You? Version Two - Fabby I'm sorry I shocked you But I've always been too free The only fear I have Is to lose you again Is love, is sex, is passion Just love you so much Because, I can't say? Because, I can't say? Four thousand years have passed And you didn't realize Something broke Something broke I died a little every fucking day 25 years away from you You changed I know but I want you happy! Combination of two, soulmates Chease and guava Ice cream and chocolat Thunder and lightning Is love, is sex, is passion You changed I know but I want you happy! Combination of two, soulmates Chease and guava Ice cream and chocolat Thunder and lightning I'm sorry I shocked you But I've always been too free Because I love you so much Is love, is sex, is passion




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