Imagem de capa de Fabby


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Mystical Oracle Of Gods

Composição: Fabby.
Mystical Oracle Of Gods - Fabby In the crystal ball I see your future I see your destiny in tarot cards In the runes I reveal mysteries, secrets I answer questions, give advice In the coffee grounds I see your past I am witch, everything I reveal Be the best, the best In the celestial firmament of the zodiac Connections, constructions, links Every atom vibrates mystical, mystical Acceleration of celestial bodies From the relative to the absolute, from the real to the surreal: Numbers, formulas, theories, rational logic Counting, unraveling, deciphering: Secrets, mysteries, revelations, enigmas Mysticism, occultism, magic, supernatural, supernatural 08 are the planets of the solar system 12 are the constellations and signs 04 are the phases of the moon 78 are the tarot cards 28 are the rune stones of the oracle 60 are the portal megaliths of Stonehenge 12 are the Olympian Gods of the Pantheon 07 are the oceans 04 are the tides 200 to 400 billion are the stars of the Milky Way The same number of Angels in Heaven 100 billion are the Galaxies of the Universe 1500 are planetary nebulae 123 are the pyramids of Egypt, decipher me or I will devour you 1000 are the Rapa-Nui Moai 07 are the apocalyptic trumpets 200 were the Angels who guarded the portals of heaven Fallen angels 08 are the Sabbaths on the Wheel of the year Pagan supernatural magic, beliefs and ritualistic practices In the equinox solar cycles In solstices lunar cycles Mother Goddess, Triple Goddess Great Goddess, creator of the universe Mother Earth, generator of life, nature, waters, fertility, culture Cernunos, Horned God of forests and fertility Horns and hooves, protector of animals Guardian of entrances and magic circles The Wicanna Network brings wise advice Remember the Law of Return and the Threefold Law: Do what you want as long as you don't harm others Great Goddess and Wicanna Network brings wise advice Remember the Law of Return and the Threefold Law: Do what you want as long as you don't harm others Don't harm others, don't harm others, don't harm others, don't harm others Don't harm others, don't harm others, don't harm others, don't harm others




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