Imagem de capa de Filelife


Cidade/EstadoAracaju / SE

Son Of Pomerania

Composição: Diego Tauchert.
I sang alone, my song, in wide view I bang on the ground, this town, my heart’s a ghost I dance among stones, to quake my crumbs and the wolves appeared behind my back my story's writer sank into a deep sorrow lake the hangman calls me by my full name but I'll never give the devil a ride he’ll always want the reins and I wrote the anthem of this land I ride my bike to tell you the story I was confused, darling I have my guitar and old tattoos I can tell you many tales sailing in the ocean twilight zone fading alone this morning I heard sounds inviting me to a place to escape from my ghost town the house of his dear son and I burned my bridges so I won't be back I ride my bike to tell you the story I was confused, darling I have my guitar and old tattoos I can tell you many tales sailing in the ocean twilight zone fading alone I sang alone, my song, in wide view




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