Imagem de capa de flakebelly




Composição: Benjamin Keith Murray.
if you need a friend I'll lend a sympathetic ear you'll see - I know you there your clock's as stopped as my cares hear what I say look on the brightside and think it over look on the brightside and think it over before you're done running around here you're in a clarity of confusion a friction between introspection and display where a cold hand will dictate an unwieldy fate that's why I say look on the brightside and think it over look on the brightside and think it over before you're done running around here waking up in the sun, hoping the day has come war's over for one dead soldier at the end of a tether - hope dangled on a dancing rope pored over, over and over tearing the labels off look on the brightside and think it over look on the brightside and think it over before you're done running around here the steeple in the wind bends a sympathetic ear and says, "I know you there" "my clock's as stopped as your cares" and it's all because you said


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