Imagem de capa de flakebelly



Great Buckets Of You

Composição: Benjamin Keith Murray.
moon full big - great buckets of you in scoopy great fullbright buckets of you shine like the moonbeam i can see we've made to part, we've made to part we've made to be alone we wade through the evening snow but we're not here - believe me dear the christmas moon is overfull and the sky light beckons silent freckled lunar landscape half peers / half-baked preconceptions and misdirections the green felt shoes you used to use for such evening rambles I can't stand there and watch you slip a diamond trip down to the forest of this night time we wade through the rising gloom the air that thickens, hair felt quickly a trigger love - it's hair on a trigger love on a hair trigger love we are the trigger love we wade through the evening gloom and I pull check, the silence beckons me to be I know


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