Imagem de capa de flakebelly



The Trick

Composição: Benjamin Keith Murray.
the trick of where we are, of our existence what we call this apparent material reality very much in a temporal sense the trick is that existence seems to be an ever unfolding fractal process that's constantly evolving never the same thing, always two things at once always one thing going into many things constantly unfolding like a psychedelic experience, the visualisations, the images and I've had that on high doses of weed, using binaural beats I've experienced it sonically like listening to music always one element of the song was changing the backing vocals would change and then the drums would change and it was constantly shifting rapidly unfolding at once now we don't experience it like that we seem to exist in a slowly unfolding moment a frozen moment but it's not frozen because we recognise and experience a process and a speed of time, subjectively it seems but it's like we've managed to slow down the process by ageing so slowly or to put it more correctly, we are so miniscule and so tiny an organism on the face of this cosmic giant that our life span is so miniscule compared to its, that it seems to age by an inexorably slow regularity so we see time change, we see things decay, we see trees flower in different seasons we get older, we see the physical effects of that, people die, babies grow old we see the unfolding of time as we experience it but it's as if we're so slow, we're between two avenues of trees that're growing slowly towards each other and those are the next layers of the fractal and we live at such a slower rate, a lower, miniscule rate, a lower dimension if you like and we're walking we're walking walking we're walking we're walking and we're walking and we're walking down the path between the two rows of trees which are growing towards each other as the next enfolding and the proceeding unfoldment of the fractal wave and we're just living on the edge


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