Giovani Tramontin

Giovani Tramontin

EstiloNew Age
Cidade/EstadoCuritiba / PR


OuvintesBruna Souza e outros 71 ouvintes
Bruna SouzaBruna SouzaBruna SouzaBruna SouzaBruna Souza
Fã-clube e outros -1 fãs


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Album Notes
A compilation where you will find 12 of my tracks.
With an unmistakable instrumentality making use of Celtic and modern instruments.

There is a sound that is heard in heaven and a rhythm able to move hearts.
Such compositions describe the reflection of intangible, the result of a creative mind, the sound reached in dreams and orchestra composed by the instrumentality that locomove steps that will define our future.

Instrumental music which operates the soul and soothe the senses!

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