Imagem de capa de Haitam


Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Tell Me (ft. Dora Sanches)

Baby, I’m going down the river so high I know you told me once maybe twice Can’t show your feelings for me tonight Tell me Some other girls are waiting their times To take from me what was never mine Pretend you love me was never right Mami cambiate , que toda esta peliluca yo ya se Tu eres mi heva mas tienes tu la actitud de bebe Si esto sanar entonces dejame que voy Te quiero mas no hay salida pa esta relacion Yo quiero que tu intienda que esto es me mejor pa mi e pa ti Yo que quiero que intiendas que no sobra ni pa mi ni pa ti Baby, I’m going down the river so high I know you told me once maybe twice Can’t show your feelings for me tonight Tell me Some other girls are waiting their times To take from me what was never mine Pretend you love me was never right I know you could never face it You’re overestimated But you can always play on me Quero creer te baby Ya llevaste todo que tenia valor pa mi bebe Yo siempre te escuche, y siempre dije todo lady *Refrão* Baby, I’m going down the river so high I know you told me once maybe twice Can’t show your feelings for me tonight Tell me Some other girls are waiting their times To take from me what was never mine Pretend you love me was never right Ouça em todas as plataformas digitais: Best Produções Artísticas / DAMASSACLAN




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