Imagem de capa de HHEENNRRII


Cidade/EstadoGoiânia / GO

Computer Predicts

Composição: ABC News In-depth.
This is called the Z curve And it represents pollution Now, predictably enough As the population increases up to 1980 Pollution increases There's more rubbish But from 1980 to the year 2020 Pollution really takes off This is assuming, of course That we don't do anything about it So the year 2020 The condition of the planet Starts to become highly critical And if we don't do anything about it This is what's going to happen The quality of life Is going to go right back to practically zero Pollution is going to become so serious Right out here That it will start to kill people So the population will diminish Right back here Less than it was in the year 1900 And at this stage Right about year 2040, 2050 Civilised life as we know on this planet Will cease to exist Well, hopefully of course, it won't be allowed to happen But it's taken this kind of shock treatment To nudge governments into doing something And slowly we are We're starting to clean our atmosphere We're starting to recycle our rubbish We're doing something positive About population control But so far, our efforts Have really been just a drop in the ocean




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