Imagem de capa de HORDA PUNK


EstiloPunk Rock
Cidade/EstadoPorto União / SC

Nicolas Priest X Valdelirio The Street Boy

Composição: HORDA PUNK.
Nicholas, was born in twenty and two It worked to have pleasure later That it discovered its vocation Then it did not stop to give its big ass Valdelirium, was born in eighty and five, In the malice if it dedicated with tenacity All day it ran away from the school, If it came alongside to smell glue One day the priest in the best intention It found the valdelírio for its salvation It said that it was a social cause But what it wanted it was an animal sex Of são paulo, nicholas marked meeting, It reserved one coarse room in a hotel It later discovering its tactics, What it wanted, was a prostate massage It was a worshipper, a worshipper of mr It worked, dedicated its love all Wanted to help to all the street boys Until one day, one of them fell in its Nicholas, being delirious of pleasure Caught the boy and he gave the coasts for the leisure Valdelirium, wise as was go in sugar cane It decided to steal its easy money. Nicholas called it becomes gay And valdelírio killed it without air, It caught a bus and it ran away for curitiba It in the lowered one seeing the classic atletiba It was a worshipper, a worshipper of mr It worked, dedicated its love all Wanted to help to all the street boys Until one day, one of them fell in its




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