Hugin Munin

Hugin Munin

Cidade/EstadoSantos / SP

Thor in Jotunheim

Composição: Thorgrim & Hugin Munin.
Thor in Jotunheim Mighty Thor and his companions On their way to Jotunheim Came across the giant Skrymir In his glove they spent the night "Come on fellows have no fear The sun is high, my land is near" And so they saw a great palace And the halls of Utgardloki "I am Thor, god of thunder I have come to challenge thee" The giants were unbeatable They were victorious "I had never been defeated And now it's time to leave" "Wait a moment prince of Gods And the truth shall be revealed" The brave gods of Asgard Were fooled by trickery The magic of the king of giants Saved him from the mjollnir "I would smash them with my hammer No giant is stronger than me No one is faster than Thialfi And no one eats more than Loki!! And I would bring down this castle If they stood against me!!!"




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