Jackie's Knife

Jackie's Knife

EstiloHard Rock
Cidade/EstadoGoiânia / GO

Sweet Girl

Composição: Jackie's Knife.
We're passing for a hard time now And I don't know when will it over The only thing that I'm sure about it Is that I don't want to lose you honey I wish I could to speed-up the time For to see you again The time pass and you aren't here with me now I get to understand that really this hurt me I don't know if will be everything all right I know I need you at my side My sweet girl tell me you won't leave me 'Cause I can't live without you here All the time I need you I can't live without you All the time I'm thinking in you I love to be with you I love when you smile to me My sweet girl I love you They took you away from me And I'm so sad with this You were the best thing that ever happen with me Was perfect all the moments that we pass together You aren't here with me anymore And I stay here thinking in you Will someday I have you again? The only thing that I can do is to wait




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