Joana Castanheira

Joana Castanheira

Cidade/EstadoFlorianópolis / SC

Happy Place

Composição: Joana Castanheira.
I wish I had woken up with you today I‘d kiss your chin and run my fingers through your hair Maybe we would be lazy and get lil late to work But the sun would feel warmer, we’d have our happy place But only for a speck of time Pretend we’re not just friends Tell me some nice lie To free me from this pain Let’s play we’re soft little flowers From a preatty lei Matching each other’s colours And tying up our scapes We can dance among the leaves In every summer breeze The sun will be our best man And we will have our brief Forever. I wish love was easier on us What is it I’m doing I’m standing here again I didn’t see it coming when everything started I know we want each other and all this just ain’t fair




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